Friday, April 4, 2008

Palo Alto police are PATHETIC

can't catch a guy in a wheel chair? what kind of squad cars are they drive?


Unknown said...

What kind of squad cars "are they drive"? Have you graduated from elementary school yet?

They drive Ford Crown Victorias. What's your point?

That incomplete article you read on Yahoo failed to mention that the bank didn't call the police. The bank's alarm rang in the bank's corporate office. Then employees at the corporate office had to take the time to verify that there had been a robbery, and only *then* did they call the police. It's the bank's own fault that the robber was able to make it to his getaway vehicle.

Palo Alto Police rule. (What'd they arrest you for, Matt?!)

matt said...
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matt said...

edit: then the people of Palo Alto are PATHETIC! takes a mother fucking long as time for someone in a wheel chair to cruz down the street and get in their car. so no one at minimum checked out the handicap parking spots near by the bank looking for the robber? Thanks for wasting more of the Fed's money!